Business Sector

Monitoring of storage tanks


We carry out a complete survey of your storage tanks to verify their conformance to relevant standards.

These analyses consist of comparing the actual situation, represented by a point cloud produced by a laser scanner survey, with the theoretical (or designed) shape and dimensions of the object (generally a cylinder in the case of storage tanks).

A software suite (CloudSurfer) developed through our in-house programme of R&D enables us to process the point cloud and extract the maximum of information from it : graphic portrayal of the deformed area and export in standard CAD formats.

The density of information so obtained enables deformations to be viewed simultaneously over the whole of the tank.

The speed of capture, the accuracy and reliability of the data and the potential of the techniques involved are all driving us to develop more new applications in order to exploit all the advantages of this technology for this type of survey.

We also automatically extract vertical and horizontal sections. If they indicate differential settlement of the base of the tank shell, you can then obtain all the necessary detail to prepare an inspection report.