For information which is both graphic and accurate … an orthophotograph is not just a communication tool but an invaluable working document.
An orthophoto is far more than a simple rectified image. In the orthorectification process we use a complete 3D digital model of the object. By mosaicking the set of orthorectified photographs we can produce an orthophoto of the object as a whole. Its advantage over a rectified photograph is that it takes account of all of the geometrical complexity of the object and guarantees correct coordinates.
The orthophoto can be used to supplement the plan or elevation of areas where it is important to show the fine detail of the building, or to replace those documents entirely where it is necessary to show the finest detail including every stone, or features such as frescos or visible deterioration of the stonework. Perfectly true to scale, this product can be considered as a very detailed map, whatever the depth of field within the object. |